Himalayan Crystal Salt Room
Crystal salts are imported from Himalaya to be used at our hotel to provide this beneficial healing room to our hotel guests.
The natural crystal salt was formed millions of years ago in the Himalayan region as a result of the continental drift and the movement if the tectonic plates. The ancient oceans subsequently evaporated, leaving behind the gift of Himalayan crystal salt. The salt matured over millions of years under intense pressure together with the underground minerals, which ultimately formed the Himalayan crystal rock. This way the salt has zero exposure to toxins and impurities, and contain all 84 natural minerals and elements vital for human health.
Himalayan crystal salt release negative ions, which results in some very powerful benefits for the entire organism as following:
- Boost the entire immune system.
- Increase lung capacity.
- Relieve sinuses, migraine and headaches, allergies and hay fever.
- Reduce susceptibility to colds and flu.
- Speed up recovery in burn and asthma patients.
- Release negative ions bond with pollutants in the air and neutralize them.
Operation Hours:
07:00 AM – 07:00 PM
Kindly contact our concierge for details.
There will be charges for Himalayan Crystal Salt Room except for hotel guests that book package stay with the hotel directly.
For 30 minutes session, the price is MYR100+ per pax.